Friday 5 September 2014

Free time?

I have free time! I could do so many things! Laundry, dishes, organizing crap???? Or relax, read, nap, chill???? So many choices. I will probably sit here on my phone wasting time on Facebook to be honest. But nobody will be talking, climbing or pulling on me! Win!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

I'm back

Ok! I have come back! Yay I'm excited and hoping to stay for awhile. Children are older and back in school so maybe I will have the time! No, I will make the time, because this is important to me. I think it is time for moms to take care of themselves and that includes MAKING TIME to do things important to them.

Today is the second day of school and I am loving it. Routine is so much better than crazy summer.
On that note, the baby is out with my mom so I am going to take a NAP!